Buy Life Insurance Plans and Policies from LIC of India Avail tax benefits with multiple cover options. 

Here is LIC’s Closed Plan List

» LIC’s Jeevan Utkarsh
» Jeevan Akshay-VI
»Bima Nivesh 2001_512N202V01
»New Bima Nivesh_
»New Jeevan Akshay – I_512N204V01
» New Jeevan Akshay – I_512N204V02
» New Jeevan Shree
»Anmol Jeevan_512N212V01
»LIC’s Future Plus_512L228V01
»LIC’s Jeevan Samridhi_512N215V01
»LIC’s Jeevan Rekha
»New Bima Kiran
»Bima Nivesh Triple Cover_512N210V01
»Bima Nivesh 
»Jeevan Akshay II_512N221V01
»Jeevan Akshay III_512N227V01
»Jeevan Bharati_512N220V01
»LIC’s Amulya Jeevan_512N233V01Format
»LIC’s Bhagya Lakshmi plan_512N292V01
»LIC’s Bima Gold_512N231V01
»LIC’s Bima Plus_512L201V01
»LIC’s Jeevan Akshay – VI
»LIC’s Bima Diamond
»Profit Plus
»Jeevan Nischay
»Wealth Plus
»Jeevan Aastha
»Money Plus-I
»Jeevan Varsha
»Child Fortune Plus
»Fortune Plus
»Jeevan Saathi Plus
»Health Plus
»Samridhi Plus
» Pension Plus
»Jeevan Nidhi
»New Jeevan Dhara-I
»LIC New Jeevan Suraksha-I
»Jeevan Vriddhi
»LIC Jeevan Vaibhav (Single Premium Endowment Assurance Plan)
»Jeevan Sugam
»Two Year Temporary Assurance Policy
»lic Mortgage Redemption
»Flexi Plus
»CDA Endowment Vesting At 21
»CDA Endowment Vesting At 18
»The Whole Life Policy- Limited Payment
»Health Protection Plus
»Jeevan Arogya
»Bima Account 1
»The Whole Life Policy
»Bima Account 2
»Jeevan Pramukh
»Jeevan Mitra(Double Cover Endowment Plan)
»LIC’s Jeevan Akshay- IV_512N234V01
»LIC’s Jeevan Akshay-V_512N234V02
»LIC’s Jeevan Plus_512L230V01
»LIC’s Jeevan sangam_512N295V01
»LIC’s jeevan Tarang_512N235V01
»LIC’s Market Plus_512L238V01
»LIC’s Money Plus_512L239V01
»Mod LIC’s Jeevan Akshay
»Market Plus I
»Jeevan Bharti-I
»Jeevan Surabhi-20 Years
»The Money Back Policy-25 Years
»Jeevan Mitra(Triple Cover Endowment Plan)
»Jeevan Surabhi-15 Years
»The Whole Life Policy- Single Premium
»Jeevan Anurag
»Komal Jeevan
»Child Career Plan
»Child Future Plan
»Jeevan Kishore
»Jeevan Chhaya
»Marriage Endowment
»Educational Annuity Plan
»Jeevan Saathi
»Jeevan Shree-I
»Jeevan Ankur
»The Endowment Assurance Policy – Limited Payment
»New Janaraksha Plan
»The Money Back Policy – 20 Years
»Jeevan Tarang
»The Endowment Assurance Policy
»Jeevan Anand
»Bima Bachat
»Jeevan Aadhar
»Jeevan Vishwas
»Endowment Plus
»New Bima Gold
»Bima Nivesh 2005
»Jeevan Saral
»Jeevan Deep
»Jeevan Mangal
»Jeevan Madhur
»Jeevan Mangal
»Amulya Jeevan-I
»LIC’s Jeevan Shagun
»Lic’s Jeevan Shikhar
»Anmol Jeevan-I
»New Jeevan Nidhi
»Jeevan Amrit
»Jeevan Surabhi-25 Years


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