Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Limited, which is a joint venture between Tata Group and American International Group, Inc. (AIG), offers a number of standard and custom-made life insurance policies. Tata is one of the oldest and leading business groups of India. Tata Group has had a long association with India’s insurance sector being the largest insurance company in India prior to the nationalisation. American International Group, Inc (AIG) is the leading U.S. based international insurance and financial services organization.

For Children
Tata AIG offers a range of flexible insurance products for children. Policies dedicated to children and their key features are as given under.

Life Assure Career Builder financial assistance at key stages of child’s life
Life Assure Educare funding child’s education
Life Assure 21 years Money Saver cash payments in the form of survival benefits at regular intervals
Life InvestAssure II full life cover
high returns
flexibility of deciding the length of life cover term
Life InvestAssure Flexi unit linked endowment investment plan flexibility to suite your needs
Life InvestAssure Plus single-premium paying term
security of life insurance policy
potentially higher returns
Life MahaLife Gold steady income and life-long insurance coverage for child
Life Starkid endowment policy dedicated for child’s career and marriage
Life United Ujjwal Bhavishya unit linked endowment plan arranging finance for child’s future

For Adults
The company has a slew of life insurance of plans for adults.

Life Assure Lifeline Plans High coverage at an affordable cost
Life Assure Growth Plans Endowment policy
Keep your money safe and have it grow
Life Assure 21 years Money Saver Cash payments at the end of every 3 years
Life insurance coverage plus the flexibility of periodic payments
Life Assure Golden Years Plan Endowment policy
Safety as well as returns
Life Easy Retire Annuity plan with Return of Purchase Price
Single premium payment
Life InvestAssure Health Unit linked investment plan
Helps achieve financial goals along with a comprehensive health policy
Life Hospi CashBack Multiple claims against unforeseen hospitalization expenses
Money back
Life Health Investor Benefit on diagnosis of 12 critical illnesses
Cover in case of unfortunate death
100% return of premium in case of no claims
Life InvestAssure II Life cover plus high returns
Life InvestAssure Apex Unit-linked life insurance plan
Guaranteed Maturity Unit Price
Life InvestAssure Extra Investment linked insurance plan
Designed for customers of premier banks
Life InvestAssure Care Non-participating unit linked insurance plan
Inbuilt Critical Illness benefit
Life InvestAssure Flexi Unit linked endowment plan
Helps one achieve financial goals
Life InvestAssure Gold flexibility to invest more money
takes care of emergency cash requirements
Life InvestAssure Insta Unit linked plan
Dual benefits of insurance coverage and wealth creation
Life InvestAssure Plus Fllexible insurance plan
Single-premium paying term
Higher returns on premiums
Life InvestAssure Optima Unit-linked insurance solution
Optimise investment returns
Life LifePlus If you outlive the term get premium back
In case of death by natural causes get sum assured
Life MahaLife Gold Good for retirement planning
Provides for steady income and insurance coverage
Life Raksha large cover at a small premium
Life ShubhLife life insurance protection and high returns
Life Health First Covers health contingencies
Life Health Protector Covers cost of major surgery or treatment

For Retirement Planning
If you plan to retire at the age of 60 or 65, you could need to fund your lifestyle for several years without any regular salary. But if you have invested in a right plan, you can rest assured.

Life Assure Golden Years Plan Endowment policy
If you live past the term you get sum assured along with a host of bonuses
Life Easy Retire Immediate annuity plan
Single premium payment
Life InvestAssure II Flexible plan
Life cover plus high returns
Life InvestAssure Gold Provides for emergency cash requirements or a steady post-retirement income
Life InvestAssure Future Custom-made retirement solution
Life MahaLife Gold Steady income and insurance coverage
Life Nirvana Freedom to choose retirement age
Life Nirvana Plus Guaranteed addition of 10 percent of sum assured every 5 years
Life InvestAssure Swarna Jeevan Unit linked non participating pension plan
Tata AIG Life Insurance

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