Critical Illness
Bajaj Allianz health insurance plan that covers critical illness means you can insure yourself against the risk of serious illness in much the same way as you insure your car and your house. It will give you the same security of knowing that a guaranteed cash amount will be paid if the unexpected happens and you are diagnosed with a critical illness.
Key Benefits
The benefit amount is payable once the disease is diagnosed meeting specific criteria and the insured survives 30 days after the diagnosis.
The insured receives the amount as lumpsum so that he can plan the treatment accordingly.
Expenses like donor expenses in a transplant surgery, which are not covered under normal health insurance policy, can be paid out of the amount received under this cover both in India & abroad.
Very competitive premium rates.
Sum insured options of Rs. 100,000/- to Rs. 5000000/- for age group of 6 yrs. to 60 yrs.
Sum insured options of Rs. 100,000/- to Rs. 500000/- for age group of 61 yrs. to 65 yrs.
Tax saving up to Rs. 100000 under Sec 80D.
Health CDC benefit
On the premium paid for self, spouse, children and parents, the deduction can be availed up to Rs 25,000 per annum, provided the age of the individual is not above 60. If the premium paid by an individual is towards health policy for his or her parent who is a senior citizen of age 60 or more, the maximum is capped at Rs 50,000. A taxpayer may therefore maximize tax benefit under section 80D to a total of Rs 75,000 if his age is below 60 If parents age is above 60. For those tax payer individuals who are of age 60 or more and are also paying health insurance premium for their parents, the maximum tax benefit under section 80D would therefore be a total of Rs 100000.
Health CDC (Claim by Direct Click) is a feature in the Bajaj Allianz Insurance Wallet App which enables you to raise claim requests up to Rs. 20000/- through the app. This is the easiest way to make claim requests as you upload all the required documents on the app and get regular updates of your claim status. The entire process is paper-less, hence it helps you save both time and money.
Illness Covered
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
First Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
Kidney Failure
Major Organ Transplant
Aorta Graft Surgery
Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Multiple Sclerosis with Persisting Symptoms
Permanent Paralysis of Limbs
Any critical illness for which care, treatment, or advice was recommended or which was first manifested or contracted before
Any critical illness diagnosed within the first 90 days
Death with in 30 days following the diagnosis of the critical illness
Presence of HIV/AIDS infection
Treatment arising from or traceable to pregnancy or childbirth, including cesarean section and birth defects
War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, terrorism, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution
Naval or military operations of the armed forces or air force and participation in operations requiring the use of arms or which are ordered by military authorities for combating terrorists, rebels and the like, any natural peril
Consequential losses of any kind, be they by way of loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of gain, business interruption etc.
Avdhoot Investment provides you personalized quotes on Bajaj Allianz Critical Illness Health Insurance plan for your Family.