LIC’s Whole Life Plans: In Whole Life Insurance Plans premium term is limited but risk cover is continue till death means life time risk cover. We never knows our death period. So this plan gives you whole life risk cover with low premium until death. U have a lot of options in this kind of Life Insurance policies. Your nominees are also get benefits after your death/ u can also withdrawal your money whenever your needs.

LIC Whole Life Plans are non-linked, with-profits assurance plan covers whole life insurance Risk cover with life long income options for your retirement.

Find here Our Most Popular LIC ‘s Whole Life Policies Features/ Benefits:

A whole life insurance policy or permanent life insurance provides life coverage until the death of the life assured. The policy stays in force throughout the life as long as the life assured pays the premium. The sum assured or the coverage is decided at the time of policy purchase and is paid to the nominee at the time of death claim – when the life assured dies. Usually, the maturity age is 100 years. If the life assured dies before the age of 100 years, the nominee receives the sum assured. However, if the life assured outlives the age of 100 years, the insurance company pays the matured endowment coverage to the life insured.


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